Source code for deltasigma._SIunits

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This module provides the SIunits function.
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's 
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.

"""This module provides the SIunits() function, which, given an input,
returns factor (think "engineering notation") and an alphabetic

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from ._constants import eps

[docs]def SIunits(x): """Calculates the factor for representing ``x`` in engineering notation. The factors and suffixes supported are: +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-3 | m | milli | 1e3 | k | kilo | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-6 | u | micro | 1e6 | M | mega | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-9 | n | nano | 1e9 | G | giga | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-12 | p | pico | 1e12 | T | tera | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-15 | f | femto | 1e15 | P | peta | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-18 | a | atto | 1e18 | E | exa | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-21 | z | zepto | 1e21 | Z | zeta | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ | 1e-24 | y | yocto | 1e24 | Y | yotta | +----------+---+---------+--------+---+---------+ **Parameters:** x : scalar or array_like The number for which the engineering notation factor and suffix are to be calculated. **Returns:** factor : float or list of floats the engineering notation factor(s) prefix : string or list of strings the engineering notation unit prefix(es) **Example**:: a = 3300. unit = 'g' f, p = SIunits(a) print "Float 'a' in engineering notation: %.3f %s%s" % (a/f, p, unit) Prints:: Float 'a' in engineering notation: 3.300 kg """ prefixes_n = ('', 'm', 'u', 'n', 'p', 'f', 'a', 'z', 'y') prefixes_p = ('', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y') scalar_input = np.isscalar(x) if scalar_input: x = [x] factor = np.ones(len(x)) prefix = ['']*len(x) for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] != 0: p = int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(x[i]))/3 + eps)) if p >= 0: p = min(p, len(prefixes_p)) prefix[i] = prefixes_p[p] factor[i] = 10**(3*p) elif p < 0: p = min(-p, len(prefixes_n)-1) prefix[i] = prefixes_n[p] factor[i] = 10**(-3*p) else: factor[i], prefix[i] = 0, '' if scalar_input: factor, prefix = factor[0], prefix[0] return factor, prefix