Source code for deltasigma._logsmooth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module providing the logsmooth function
# Copyright 2013 Giuseppe Venturini
# This file is part of python-deltasigma.
# python-deltasigma is a 1:1 Python replacement of Richard Schreier's
# MATLAB delta sigma toolbox (aka "delsigma"), upon which it is heavily based.
# The delta sigma toolbox is (c) 2009, Richard Schreier.
# python-deltasigma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE file for the licensing terms.

"""Module providing the logsmooth() function

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import norm

from ._dbp import dbp

[docs]def logsmooth(X, inBin, nbin=8, n=3): """Smooth the FFT and convert it to dB. **Parameters:** X : (N,) ndarray The FFT data. inBin : int The bin index of the input sine wave (if any). nbin : int, optional The number of bins on which the averaging will be performed, used *before* 3*inBin n : int, optional Around the location of the input signal and its harmonics (up to the third harmonic), don't average for n bins. The ``logsmooth`` algorithm uses ``nbin`` bins from 0 to 3*inBin, thereafter the bin sizes are increased by a factor 1.1, staying less than 2^10. For the :math:`n` sets of bins: :math:`inBin + i, 2*inBin + i ... n*inBin+i`, where :math:`i \\in [0,2]` don't do averaging. This way, the noise BW and the scaling of the tone and its harmonics are unchanged. .. note:: Unfortunately, harmonics above the nth appear smaller than they really are because their energy is averaged over many bins. **Returns:** f, p : tuple of 1d-arrays The bins and smoothed FFT, expressed in dB. .. seealso:: * :func:`plotSpectrum`, convenience function to first call :func:`logsmooth` and then plot on a logarithmic x-axis its return values. * :func:`circ_smooth`, smoothing algorithm suitable for linear x-axis plotting. .. plot:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from deltasigma import dbv, ds_hann, figureMagic, logsmooth T = 2 #s Fs = 231e3 #Hz N = int(np.round(T*Fs, 0)) # FFT points freq = .1e3 t = np.arange(N)/Fs u0 = np.sin(2*np.pi*t*freq) u0 = u0 + .01*u0**2+.001*u0**3+.005*u0**4 U = np.fft.fft(u0 * ds_hann(N))/(N/4) f = np.linspace(0, Fs, N + 1) f = f[:N/2 + 1] plt.subplot(211) plt.semilogx(f, dbv(U[:N/2 + 1])) plt.hold(True) inBin = np.round(freq/Fs*N) fS, US = logsmooth(U, inBin) plt.semilogx(fS*Fs, US, 'r', linewidth=2.5) plt.xlim([f[0]*Fs, Fs/2]) plt.ylabel('U(f) [dB]') figureMagic(xRange=[100, 1e4], yRange=[-400, 0], name='Spectrum') plt.subplot(212) plt.loglog(fS[1:]*Fs, np.diff(fS*Fs)) plt.xlabel('f [Hz]') plt.ylabel('Averaging interval [Hz]') figureMagic(xRange=[100, 1e4]) """ # preliminary sanitization of the input if not == max(X.shape): raise ValueError('Expected a (N,) or (N, 1)-shaped array.') if len(X.shape) > 1: X = np.squeeze(X) inBin = int(inBin) N = X.shape[0] N2 = int(np.floor(N/2)) f1 = int(inBin % nbin) startbin = np.concatenate((np.arange(f1, inBin, nbin), np.arange(inBin, inBin + 3) )) i = 1 # my fix while i < n: # n can be big and xrange is not in Python3 startbin = np.concatenate((startbin, np.arange(startbin[-1] + 1, (inBin + 1)*(i + 1) - 1, nbin), (i + 1)*(inBin + 1) - 1 + np.arange(0, 3) )) i = i + 1 # the following is my fix - REP? startbin = np.concatenate((startbin, np.array((startbin[-1] + 1,)))) m = startbin[-1] + nbin while m < N2 - 1: startbin = np.concatenate((startbin, np.array((m,)))) nbin = np.min((nbin*1.1, 2**10)) m = int(np.round(m + nbin, 0)) stopbin = np.concatenate((startbin[1:] - 1, np.array((N2 - 1,)))) f = ((startbin + stopbin)/2)/N p = np.zeros(f.shape) for i in range(f.shape[0]): p[i] = dbp(norm(X[startbin[i]:stopbin[i] + 1])**2/ (stopbin[i] - startbin[i] + 1)) return f, p